Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment Facility (CBMWTF)

Current Scenario of Biomedical waste Management in India
The implementation of Bio-Waste regulation is unsatisfactory as many hospitals are disposing waste in haphazard and indiscriminate manner.
Lack of segregation practices is resulting in mixing of hospital wastes with general waste making the whole waste stream hazardous.
Bio-medical waste scattered in and around the hospitals invites flies, insects & rodents that are responsible for the spread of communication disease.
The recycling of disposable syringes, needles, IV sets and other article like glass bottles is done without proper sterilization.
Waste disposal systems were woefully inadequate or non-existent in most hospitals.
Dangerous wastes dumped into landfills next to the hospitals resulting in land and ground water pollution.
‘Informal’ recycling services availability of Authorized recyclers to sell disinfected recyclable biomedical waste.